Versions Compared


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  1. Takes keyboard inputs
    • Has steering and throttle inputs
  2. Interfaces with the positioning system
  3. Outputs which ceiling units it’s received data from and what it received
  4. Turning on DEBUG_OUTPUTS and/or DEBUG_RECEIPTS in positioning.c provides extra outputs for debugging positioning issues
  5. Useful for testing the positioning system and also for general manual driving (doesn’t output speed or steering data though, see PathPlan)


  1. Has one input argument: the path to be followed
    • This must be a text file located in the same directory as the executable
    • Use any random text file if PATHPLAN_ON is set to 0
  2. Takes keyboard inputs
    • Has steering, throttle, and torque inputs
  3. Interfaces with the positioning system
  4. If PATHPLAN_ON in pathplan.c is set to 1:
    • Runs the initialization function, estimator, and path follower functions
    • Steering input is disabled
    • Outputs initialization data followed by speed, steering, estimated x/y/heading, and new position data (if any)
      • Outputs can are separated by commas and can be easily pasted into Excel (paste as text and select comma as the column delimiter)
    • Useful for running the path follower and making sure the estimator and steering controller are working correctly
  5. If PATHPLAN_ON in pathplan.c is set to 0:
    • Does NOT run the initialization function, estimator, or path follower
    • Outputs speed, throttle/torque (depending on current mode, see main()), and PWM, but can be modified easily.
      • Outputs can are separated by “@” symbols and can be easily pasted into Excel (paste as text and use “@” as the column delimiter)
    • Useful for logging data while running the car manually for dynamics testing, etc.
