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  • Paul
    • 23 years old
    • likes to travel and take photos
    • likes to share the photos with family
  • Valentina
    • Paul's aunt
    • has less-than-average computer skill
  • Colby
    • comes from California, but now lives in Boston
    • takes photos but does not like to share them
    • wants to comment on the photos of his hometown


  • Paul
    • goes hiking at Joshua Tree, California, and takes a lot of pictures
    • go to PhotoTalk website, signs up, and posts some photos
    • phones Valentina that his photo is on PhotoTalk
  • Valentina
    • goes to the website
    • searches for Paul's photo
      • by location (?)
      • by name
    • gets to see the photos at last
  • Colby
    • misses home, and wants to look for his favorite spots at home
    • gets to know PhotoTalk and browses the website for a while
    • sees Paul's photo of Joshua Tree
    • comments on Paul's photo
      • possibly telling Paul that some photo information is incorrect
  • Paul
    • Wiki Markup
      \[gets notified by / notices\] Colby's comments
    • replies to Colby's comments
    • corrects his photo information
    • posts more photos


Paul is a 23-year-old graduate student in computer science at MIT. He enjoys travelling and taking photos along the way, and he also likes to share the photos he take with his family. One summer, he goes hiking at Joshua Tree, California, and takes hundreds of photos. To share his photos with his aunt Valentina, he signs up for an account at the PhotoTalk website, posts his photos, and calls Valentina to tell her to go online and see his photos.

Valentina, 50, is a housewife with less-than-average computer skill. The day after she receives Paul's call, she goes to the PhotoTalk website and tries searching for Paul's photos. The two pieces of information that she has are the location, Joshua Tree, and Paul's name.

Colby, 36, is originally from California, but he now works in Boston for a sports equipment company. While he often takes photos, he rarely shares them with others. Being in Boston, he sometimes misses home and wants to see photos of his favorite spots in California. After getting to know PhotoTalk and browsing it for a while, he comes across Paul's photos of Joshua Tree and immediately wants to comment on them. He also feels that some of the information Paul provides is incorrect, and he wishes to correct them.

Paul then receives notifications from the website about Colby's comments. He replies to the comments, makes corrections as Colby suggests, and posts some more photos.__________________________________________________________

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