The home page prominently features the four different search types that are available. Under each search bar there is a thumbnail of a photo and corresponding word or phrase that is representative of that search type (e.g. "Nature" for type of photography). Tiled below are randomly generated
thumbnails of photos from the database that also fit the description of the larger photograph. On this page, viewers can search for photographs or
simply click around if they aren't feeling imaginative. Anyone can register and log in via the link at the top right. Users, once registered, can comment on and post photos. Paul can tell right away that he will be happy posting his pictures here, so he clicks "POST A PHOTO", but he must register first, so this brings him to the Register page.
He immediately sees what his post looks like. He sees that there is an "Edit Info" button available to him but he his happy with his post. He leaves
the website and later on calls his aunt, Valentina, and lets her know that he posted the photo. Valentina types "photo talk" into google, her only confident
course of action on the web. Luckily, it is the first hit. She loads the page and sees the home page as depicted in the first sketch. She navigates to the
"Photographer" search bar and types in her nephew's name, "Paul Jones".
He loves the photo, but can't help but notice that the photo is of a California juniper not a Joshua Tree, as the caption says. Since he's already
logged in, he clicks "Post a comment..." and writes: "Awesome photo, man, sure makes me miss home. That's a California juniper, though, not a
Joshua tree!" A few days later, Paul decides to log in to PhotoTalk again.