Nikola can navigate through different tabs in the “main page”. If he clicks on the tab “My Friends”, that tab is going to be highlighted and bar on the left side as well as the content of the page is going to change. Bar on the left side contains a list of Nikola’s friends. The content of the page shows all the bookmarks that are currently shared with Nikola. Click on a different friend changes the content of the page to display only the bookmarks that a selected person has shared with Nikola. Each bookmark has button that can copy the bookmark from the shared ones to “My bookmarks”. Click on the button pops up a small window where a user can select the name and the folder to which he wants to copy the bookmark. Each bookmark also has a delete button in the top right cornerIf user wants to save this shared linked into one of his private folders, he can drag and drop the bookmark to the My bookmarks tab. That bookmark will show up in All folder, but the user can later specify its special directory, if wanted.
Similarly, if Nikola switches to tab “Other bookmarks”, the bar on the left is going to change. Bar on the left is going to contain categories such as Most popular and Recommended. Content in the middle is going to depend on the category that is selected, but it is going to show the most popular bookmarks as the landing default.
Learnability: As soon as they land on page, users can learn about the web application mission. They can also learn what the application allows them to do. Log in and Sign up hyperlinks are positioned in a standard top right corner which provides consistency with the rest of the web applications. On the main page, people who are new to MyWeb will see hyperlink “add new folder” by which they immediately learn how to add new folders. Clicking a button “add new bookmark” also teaches them something definite about the web application. Similarly, if they click on “My Friends” tab, they can learn about how to add new friends by clicking the appropriate affordance.
- user won't be aware that a lot of features, like sharing, are placed in the setting bar that's accessed via pencil button. Once learn, it's easy, but it's not completely straight forward. We think that for this design, video at the beginning introducing the user to all the features will be a good idea and increase learnability.
Visibility: In contrast with traditional bookmarks, this interface gains a lot on visibility. Users can see the state of their bookmarks before they actually navigate to the corresponding website.
- visibility of drag and drop
- delete folder??
- better bookmark visibility than previous websites who implemented similar idea, which makes it easier to differentiate and recognize different bookmarks. However, user is not able to really observe the details of the page, so they will have to navigate to it if they wanted to get an updated view.
Efficiency: Area of the bookmark is now larger, so it becomes much easier (by Fitts’ law) to navigate to the bookmark area.
- static tabs, user has to navigate through the list of folders and subfolders (that could be large) every time he want to open its bookmarks. If he wants to work in multiple folders simultaneously, this becomes very inefficient if the list of folders is big.
Error: Because bookmark area is larger, it is easier to hit the correct bookmark and therefore error rate is reduced.
Design 2
First time Nikola visits the page myweb.com, he sees this: