At the top, he sees a banner telling him that he is logged in as Rob MIllerMiller, which is correct. He has the options of signing out or changing his password, but he does not want to do that yet. Instead, he clicks on the "Add Household" button on the main page.
Here, he sees his username, a list of the households that he is a part of, his current balance, and the credit card that he has on file. Under these pieces of information are collapsible/expandable lists that detail the bills that he has due, the money he owes to other members, the money that thlist of at other members owe him, and his recent activity. On the left column of the User Page, Rob sees a list of the households he belongs to and a button to add new households. Under that, but also in the left column, is the pertinent information to his most commonly accessed household. Here he sees that household's address, a list of members, and a list of pending members. These pending members are people who have requested to join the household, but have not yet been approved by the members of the household. Rob clicks on the "Add new" button to add a new household.
He clicks the "Pay Now" button next to the $20 dollars that he owes for the water bill, which takes him to a Confirm Payment Page. He sees the name of the bill, the amount, his username, and the last four digits of his credit card number. Everything looks correct, so Rob clicks the "Confirm" button to submit his payment.