Ichigo logs into the Midnight Exchange with his MIT certificate. The default page is 'My Midnights.' It displays everyone's midnights for the week, and Ichigo's are shown in bold
After seeing that he has Thursday pots, Ichigo clicks on the By Day link in the left sidebar and clicks on the Thursday tab. He can see the Bid/Ask/Last prices on there.
He clicks the 'New Bid' button and types $15 in the box. He then clicks 'Bid' and 'Confirm' to place his order.
Ichigo goes back to the left sidebar and clicks the My Contracts link. He notices that he has a Pending Order for Thursday Pots. He then logs out.
Jorge logs in, and clicks the By Midnight link on the left sidebar, and looks through the tabs at the current prices on the market. He sees Ichigo's bid for $15 and clicks on the $15.
The Confirm Order pop-up shows up. He clicks to confirm his order (shown above). He then clicks the 'Watch' button next to Thursday Pots to add it to his Watch List, and then he logs out.
Jorge comes back and clicks on the My Watch List link. He can see the current Bid/Ask prices.
When the Ask price goes below $15, he goes to the 'By Day' page and clicks on the Thursday tab, and clicks the Ask price to buy the order, and confirms it (shown above).