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The IS&T Website Redesign and Service Catalog Project team will hire someone to redesign and develop templates for our website and service catalog in Drupal. The purpose of the site is to help the MIT community understand, get, and use IS&T services. The website will also help to expand the IS&T brand that promotes MIT’s commitment to excellence. IS&T is a service organization. Our website’s look and feel should embody and directly reflect our mission of service provider and our vision of making IT easy for our customers and ourselves. It should support our vision of self-service. It should reflect the major themes of automation, mobility, simplification, de-customization, and removing pain points. The site’s look and feel/design should focus on “What members of the MIT community want from IS&T.” The site design should revolve around the service catalog. [See sponsors vision for the project.]

Request for Proposal (RFP)

FINAL RFP for Website Redesign and Online Service Catalog (January 14, 2011)

Submitted to six firms:

Stoltze Design (partners w/indigo digital for development)

  • Plans to submit a proposal by 1/28

Moth Design (partners w/pod consulting for development)


  • Declined to Bid due to workload and schedule

Nimble Partners

  • Submitted proposal on Monday, 2/7/2011

Studio 180

  • Declined to Bid due to workload and schedule

iSitedesign (recently worked on MIT World site redesign)

  • Declined invitation to submit proposal due to current workload/timeline

RFP Responses

Vendor Comparison Matrix (this shows the common elements for each vendor bid and lists some general open questions/differences)

Stoltze Design

Moth Design

Nimble Partners and Pixelslam (design firm that partners with Nimble)

RFP Questions:

  1. What process will you use for requirements gathering?
  2. Will you create personas, user scenarios, or use cases during the discovery phase?
  3. What process will you use to validate the the information architecture for the service catalog? What would you do? What would you expect IS&T to do?
  4. Have you ever designed a service catalog?
  5. How do you design differently for a Drupal/CMS site vs. any other type of site?
  6. Do you have examples of sites that are designed for Drupal?
  7. Stoltze: On page 3 of your RFP it says 'acquire content digitally'. Will you load all the content to the new site?
  8. Nimble Partners: How would you remotely observe usability testing? Do you mean in the event that the testing was also handled remotely?
  9. Nimble Partners: For mobile devices, would you provide a custom template and customized content along with the custom css?
  10. Moth: What would be the additional cost for a mobile template, customized content, and style sheet for 1 mobile platform?

RFP Round 2 Questions:

  1. A critical success factor for the IS&T site will be getting the taxonomy and categories correct to provide easy navigation for different audiences. Explain in more detail how you would like to engage with the MIT community in the discovery phase of the project. How will you know it is a success? Note: We have in-house user research resources that will be at your disposal.
    1. Following up on the above question, based on what you have learned about our community so far who, specifically, would you include in the discovery process.
  2. We want to optimize the search experience to get users to the right content quickly. What options would you suggest that would clearly indicate if the content was on the IS&T site, our How-to site, or other site? How could we indicate the type of content? Please show us examples of how you've optimized search for complex sites.
  3. Describe mechanisms and tools you use to coordinate information and communication between developers, designers, clients, etc.  In particular, when working with remote clients.  (more of a question for Palentir)
  4. Migrations are never easy. We have a live Drupal site with 1000+ pages of content that is updated every day and will need to go over to the new site. What would you identify as the factors we need to consider when making a decision about how to handle the migration? What are some possible approaches to doing the content migration? Can you give a couple examples of how you have handled past migrations?

Service Catalog

Service Catalog Proposal (Jan 24, 2011)
