Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Working on making bullets look nice



Iteration 1

User 1

  • Upon being brought to the home page, the user was initially overwhelmed and confused.
  • (He mentioned aloud that he wasn't sure which page to go to)
  • After staring at the page for a bit, he regained his bearings
  • When he actually attempted to use the Food List, he was able to use it quickly and efficiently
  • He figured out how to use the meal log from the main menu without any problems
  • At this point, he still found the home page confusing
  • When attempting to enter a meal:
    • He said “interesting” aloud and explained that he thought Spaghetti and Meatballs were two separate things, but didn't know how to enter the cost because he only has the cost for the meal in total.
    • He put the total cost under the first item (“spaghetti”), and put “ – ” under the cost for “meatballs”
  • When the confirmation came up, he said “This thing is still here... What do I do about it?”
  • He said “I feel dumb” for not knowing what the food groups were for a particular item (wondering if there were multiple or not)
    • (This was said light-heartedly in jest)
  • He went to the meal log to view the meal history, but when he had to enter another meal, he initially thought he had to go back to the home page to enter a meal
    • Then, when he found the “Add Meal” button on that page, he wondered why he could do it in two places
  • He was able to enter this meal very quickly
  • When he got to the analytics page, he found the “titles” underneath the graphs were confusing
  • It took him a long time in the drop-down menu to find the “calories-vegetable” option
    • He wondered aloud why there were 3 graphs
    • After trying them out, he said aloud “I guess it would be for comparing and contrasting”
  • He mentioned that the graphs could use “better headings” at the top


  • The login screen confused him; he didn't know what the options meant or if he needed to do anything special here
  • He was extremely confused by the home page
  • “I'm not sure what this is for” (pointing to the Meal Log)
  • He wanted to enter the food items from his shopping trip into the meal log because it was larger
  • Then he was confused as to where to enter his meals
  • “I'm not sure if Spaghetti and Meatballs are one item”
    • He started putting them as one item, and then changed his mind
    • Then he wasn't sure about the cost, and entered half of the total cost under each item
    • He spent a significant amount of time deciding if it was one or two items
  • He didn't know what food group to label each item as
  • He left some of the optional “food groups” sections blank
  • Found the meal log okay
  • When he went to enter a meal on this page, his first instinct was to press the “breakfast” label on the left to enter breakfast, instead of the “Add Meal” page
  • Found everything “a little complicated”


  • Home page is a bit overwhelming
    • Trying to convey too much information. We tried to optimize for experienced users, but new users had a lot of trouble learning it.
  • We may have given the users too much flexibility
    • When given a choice, they're sometimes confused about how to make their decision
    • (Are “Spaghetti and Meatballs” one or two items? How do I enter the cost if I split them? How do I enter food groups if I don't? Etc.)
    • Also, the login screen is another example of this; users didn't know what all the pages were and weren't sure if they should jump to a specific page or not
  • The labels on the meal log page were not very clear
  • The analytics page needs work
    • 3 graphs side-by-side are very confusing to a user
    • It was unclear what options were actually changing
    • The titles for the graphs were also unclear


Iteration 2

User 1

  • Understood how to add the food item quickly and correctly
  • Asked about templates through the “what is this?” hyperlink
  • Was able to enter the meal quickly, and without confusion
  • He had trouble checking the previous meals
    • Was confused by the labels for the meal log
  • Did not find the interface overwhelming
  • Wondered aloud about the “add graph” button
    • Tried it out and understood
  • Suggested that we auto-complete the nutrition info for various foods


  • On the food item entry screen, “There are a lot of boxes to push”
  • After finishing entering the item, “How do I get out?”
  • Commented that a “today” button would be very useful for date fields on the meal log (and elsewhere)
  • Typed in the text “Don't know” for the cost of peanut butter
    • Guessed something for all of the other fields he didn't know
  • saved his breakfast as a template
  • When asked to view the meals he's eaten recently, he said “Not sure whether to go to 'View Meals' or 'Analytics'.”
    • After going to “View Meals”, he said “That makes sense now”
  • He understood the labels/filters on the calendar for the meal log
  • He had trouble finding the analytics tab at the top of the meal log from this page
  • He suggested that we have greater parallels between pages. As it is, the user needs to learn a new interface for every tab (on the navigation bar)
  • He commented that data entry was less straightforward than the rest of the site
  • He mentioned that the fact that some fields weren't required wasn't obvious (he thought all fields were required)


  • We need to figure out how to re-collapse the food list and the meal entry thing from the home page
    • Also need to figure out how to unselect a template after one has been selected
      • (Make a “None” option and have it default?)
    • This home page was much more intuitive for users than the previous one however
  • We still need to figure out how to make the labels for the meal log more obvious; might be easier with the actual visible representation because it is mimicking gCal.
  • We need to make the optional fields more obviously optional
  • A “Today” button would be very helpful for all of the date fields
  • Look for an online database with nutrition info; maybe we can easily auto-complete nutrition info. Otherwise, probably not worth it


5. Prototype Iteration