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h2. Managing the Membership List



h3. Student / Instructor View of the Membership Page {bgcolor}

h5. Student

When a student displays a Membership page, it displays that student's information and the information of only those students who have chosen to display their personal information. (To comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Stellar keeps a student's personal information private until the student explicitly chooses to make her or his name and other information available to other class members.)

Students can choose to make themselves Visible. The "Visible" flag is meant for students to opt-in to showing themselves to their classmates on Stellar. If no one in the class has opted to make themselves visible, all the student will see when they click on the Membership link and see the list is themselves.

{toggle-cloak:id=23} Student chooses to be visible
{cloak:id=23} !Student Visible SS 3.jpg!

{toggle-cloak:id=22} Student chooses to be invisible
{cloak:id=22} !Students Visible SS.jpg!

h5. Instructor

When an instructor or TA displays a Membership page, it displays the full class or section list.
Instructors can use the Membership page to:
* Click the Edit Participants tab to [add|User Groups and Permissions#Access Control] or [remove|User Groups and Permissions#Removing Users from a Group] students from the class list.
* [Block access|Managing the Membership List#Blocking Enrolled Students Who Intend to Drop a Class] by individual students who intend to drop the class.
* Click the Access Control tab to add and remove users from [user groups|User Groups and Permissions#Overview of User Groups].
* Click the Manage Sections tab to [add|Setting Up Sections], [edit|Setting Up Sections#Editing Section Capacity], and [remove|Removing Sections] sections and to [assign students|Assigning Students to Sections] to sections.
* Click the Email Members tab to [send an email|Managing the Membership List#Sending Email] to class members or section members.
* Click a member's email address to send an email to just that individual.

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h3. Adding Non-MIT users to the Membership page {bgcolor}

h5. Directions to Add a Non-MIT User

# {toggle-cloak:id=1} Select Membership in the left navigation bar.
# {toggle-cloak:id=2} Select Edit Participants in the tabs across the top of the page.
# {toggle-cloak:id=3} Add the non-MIT user's email address to the Add User field and click Submit.

* You may be directed to the Add New Participants page and asked to verify the email address(es) of the person(s) you have added. Confirm and then click Submit.
* A confirmation page will appear to inform you that a Collaboration Account request has been sent to the added person(s).
* On the class Membership page, newly added participants should appear on the class roster as "User, Provisional." You can view their email address by hovering your mouse pointer over "User, Provisional".
* Each newly added user will receive an email with instructions for creating and activating a Touchstone Collaboration Account.
* WhenAfter the user activates their account and logs in to Stellar for the first time, their actual name will replace the "Provisional User" placeholder.

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h3. Assigning Students to Sections {bgcolor}

h5. Directions to Assign Students to Sections:

Instructors who prefer to assign students manually to sections should use the following steps:
# {toggle-cloak:id=4} Click Membership on the navigation bar.
*Note:* Click the Membership link from the class website; you cannot add students to a section from a section website.
# {toggle-cloak:id=5} Click the Change link for the student you want to assign.
#* The Change Recitation Section page is displayed. This page lists all sections for the class and their respective instructor, schedule, location, and number of remaining openings.
# {toggle-cloak:id=6} Select the section.
# Click the Next button. The Verify Recitation Section page is displayed.
# Confirm that the student is assigned to the correct section.
# Click the Save and Exit Setup button.

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h3. Assign Multiple Students to Sections {bgcolor}

h5. Directions to Assign Multiple Students to a Section

Instructors who prefer to bulk assign students to sections should use the following steps:
# {toggle-cloak:id=7} Click Membership on the navigation bar.
# {toggle-cloak:id=8} Click Batch Edit on the navigation bar.
# {toggle-cloak:id=9} Select Students by either checking the checkbox next to the student's name or clicking the Select All button.
# {toggle-cloak:id=10} Choose the Section from the 'Assign selected to' dropdown and click Assign.

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h3. Automatically Assign Students to Sections based on Pre-Registration Data {bgcolor}

h5. Directions to Automatically Assign Students to Sections based on Pre-Registration Data

# Create section(s) as outlined in [Setting Up Sections].
# {toggle-cloak:id=11} Click Manage Sections on the 'Membership' page.
# {toggle-cloak:id=18} Click the 'Import pre-reg data from WEBSIS' button.
!import pre-reg data.jpg|border=1!

* The 'Import pre-reg data from WEBSIS' button is visible ONLY if section pre-registration data from the registrar information is available.
* Sections must be set up in order for pre-registration section data to populate correctly. 
* Any (manual or bulk) section assignments will be overwritten by the pre-registration data.
* Currently, Stellar supports the population of pre-registration data for recitations ONLY, but not labs (or other types of) sections.

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h3. Blocking Enrolled Students Who Intend to Drop a Class {bgcolor}
When an enrolled student drops a class, the Registrar removes the student from the Official Class List. There may be a delay in the Registrar's processing of the data, particularly at the start of a semester, or the student may delay filing the paperwork. During this interim period, an instructor cannot remove the student from the class list but can block the student from the website. The student will no longer receive class email or have access to class materials.

_Note 1: You cannot block members in project sites. You can remove the members completely as administrators have control over membership in project sites._

_Note 2: If you block a student from the site, the student will automatically be unassigned from any section to which they currently belong. If you unblock them at a later time the student will need to be re-assigned to a section_

h5. Directions to Block an Enrolled Student from the Class Website and Email:

# {toggle-cloak:id=12} Click Membership on the navigation bar.
# {toggle-cloak:id=13} On the Membership page, click the Block link next to the student's name.
# On the Block Student page, click Block.

The student's name remains on the Membership page with a Blocked label and a Unblock link. Clicking the Unblock link will restore the student's access to the class website and email.It will not however re-assign them to a section that they may have belonged to prior to being blocked. After unblocking a student they will need to be assigned to a section.  

Additionally, multiple students can be blocked at the same time.

h5. Directions to Block Multiple Students:

# {toggle-cloak:id=14} Click Membership on the navigation bar.
# {toggle-cloak:id=15} On the Membership page, click the 'Batch edit' tab.
# Select the students and click Block.

_Note: The Block and Unblock actions have no effect on a student's registration status. The student must submit paperwork to the Registrar to change his or her registration status._

To block a student who is in the Participants user group, [remove|User Groups and Permissions#Removing Users from a Group] the student.

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h3. Sending Email {bgcolor}

h5. Directions to send Email:

Course Admin may send emails from the main course site or from a section. Emails can be sent to class/section participants, guests and/or selected staff. Note: Participants include registered, pre-registered and manually-added students.  (See [Overview of User Groups|User Groups and Permissions#Overview of User Groups] for information on administrators and graders.)
To send email:
# Click Membership on the navigation bar
# {toggle-cloak:id=26} Click the Email Members tab
# Select the intended group(s) by checking the boxes next to the group name (Note: Use the green show/hide recipients button to display/hide the recipient list)
# Enter a subject line
# Enter the message text
# (Optional) Attach a file
# Click the Send Email button

+Tip: To send an email to an individual student, return to the Membership page and click on the individual's name.  This will automatically open an email window in your default email client.+
_Note: When pasting text from MS Word, we recommend using the "Paste from Word" tool to clean up the HTML and protect hyperlinks your the message._

Email Confirmation: The sender will receive two(2) emails.  The first is a copy of the sent email.  The second is a confirmation email listing the recipients.  Screenshots are below:
{toggle-cloak:id=27} Email (1)
{toggle-cloak:id=28} Email (2)


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