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One design decision we made to simplify implementation was that all information - namely, the list of sentences, the words, and their translations and romanizations - would be retrieved from the server at login time. This was meant to ensure that no latency from communicating with the server would be seen while the interface was actually being used. However, one usability issue which resulted was that login times tend to be long due to all the downloading that is taking place. We managed to alleviate this by having shared portions of the data that would need to be downloaded by all the users (for example, the word database) be loaded in the background while the user was still at the login screen. Additionally, we have a loading screen with an animated progress bar to provide feedback for the user while the page is loading. Another issue which results from our decision to download all data from the server at login time is that if other users contribute a sentence, then the sentence won't be observed until the next time the user logs in.

Another design decision we made is changes made by the user (the study focus history, the words that are allowed to be displayed, the lists of displayed sentences, and the contributed sentences) are sent immediately to the server. This was done to ensure that the user doesn't have to press a "save" or "logout" button to preserve changes (which would have been a source of error if the user closed the browser without saving changes or logging out). However, because there would have been high latency (leading to an unresponsive interface) if the application waited for a response from the server in the GUI thread, then these requests are instead queued by the application and sent in a separate thread. An unintended consequence is that if the user makes a change (say, selects a new study focus) and immediately quits the browser before the server communication thread can send the update to the server, then that change will be lost when the user next logs in. However, because the system is still in a consistent state upon login (namely, it is in the state it was in immediately before the action occurred), and the user can easily observe the system state and redo the action, then this is not a severe issue.


Describe how you conducted your user test. Describe how you found your users and how representative they are of your target user population (but don't identify your users by name). Describe how the users were briefed and what tasks they performed; if you did a demo for them as part of your briefing, justify that decision. List the usability problems you found, and discuss how you might solve them.
