We also included an option for users to add a picture for their stories. The pictures appear as thumbnails next to the title and other information of the story on the search result page, enabling the authors to give potential readers a quick visual impression. We made sure the the images were contained in the fixed-size boundaries to maintain the organized look of the page.
Page for a story
Recent Activity
There have been user comments that since Round Robin Fiction enables multiple users to work on single story, a user should be able to see what happened to the story since one last left it. Log of recent activity, which lists details of recent changes to the story, was added to meet the need.
When users tried to create new stories, they were often thrown off by presence of two 'add section' buttons next to each other and also confused about where the content is supposed to appear. We dealt with this by having a default blank space where the text is supposed to appear and having some default text in therehave default string when new fiction created to show the users where the content is supposed to go in.
Based on the feedback from the computer prototyping, we added 'submit' button to the text editor instead of making the small 'save' icon function as the submit button. The size and placement of the submit button was chosen to give it an appropriate affordance.