As usual, be complete, deep, and concise. Tidy up your entire wiki to make it a usable presentation of your term project. If your project changed direction or scope over the course of the semester, update earlier sections (such as the original Problem section you wrote for GR1) to reflect your final project.
Describe the final design of your interface. Illustrate with screenshots. Point out important design decisions and discuss the design alternatives that you considered. Particularly, discuss design decisions that were motivated by the three evaluations you did (paper prototyping, heuristic evaluation, and user testing).
The final design of our interface comprises four tabs and one pop-up. Our interface diverges dramatically from our original paper prototypes. We made many design decisions that we felt would contribute to learnability, simplicity, and efficiency.
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Design Decision I: Combined Tabs and Moved to Top
Our paper prototypes had six tabs arranged in a somewhat arbitrary order on the left-hand side, while our final design has four tabs arranged horizontally above the content. This change dramatically increased efficiency and learnability.The original tab names were CurrentAssignedMidnights, CurrentOpenTrades, Contracts, CurrentOpenSwaps, Watchlist, and LogOut. While these names and their associated pages allowed for better specialization, this specialization proved to be unnecessary given the nature of the underlying environment, size of the user population, and scope of the content; indeed, we found it more efficient and intuitive to combine the information from certain tabs.