The storeSensorData application was written to conveniently store data from all zlog files in a directory called "zlogFiles" so that you don't have to manually run zlogtool. Running:
will save text files with data from compass and gps, dvl, and imu from any zlog files saved in a directory called "zlogFiles". The text files generated for compass and gps, and dvl can be directly read into matlab with the load function. The imuSave application was written to further format the imu .txt files so that they can also be directly read into matlab with the load function. Running:
will save imu data from any imu text files output from the storeSensorData application in a directory called "imu" in space-delimited rows. The names of each file will be appended with "FORMATTED"
The data then needs to be transfered out of the kayak. This can be done by opening the computer box and using a usb drive, or with scp.
Other details
The kayak2.moos file includes the processes that are executed when the pAntler kayak2.moos command is run. As of July 2011, this file includes commands to collect data in the background from GPS, compass, DVL, and imu. If other processes are to be run in the background, they must be added to the kayak2.moos file.