Instructions are located in the 'instructions_includes' folder of eSG. Instructions are call-specific, and the instructions set for each call is organized in a folder named for the call's database ID (e.g. 1,2,3,…; found in the 'Calls' layout of FMP). PRE-PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS 'instructions_prelim.php' is the core instructions page for submitting pre-proposals in eSG. Both the pre-proposal start page (index_prelim.php), and the printer-friendly, publicly-accessible version (index_pp_popup.php) include 'instructions_prelim.php'. If accessed via a public page, 'index_pp_popup.php' requires a query parameter for call ID (e.g. "index_pp_popup.php?call_id=1"). FULL PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS 'instructions.php' file is the core instructions page for submitting full proposals in eSG. 'justification_includes' folder holds files used in budget instructions and budget justification pop-ups. Both the full proposal start page (index.php), and the printer-friendly, publicly-accessible version (index_fp_popup.php) include 'instructions.php'. If accessed via a public page, 'index_fp_popup.php' requires a query parameter for call ID (e.g. "index_fp_popup.php?call_id=1"). JUSTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS Each call instructions set contains a set of justification includes. These instructions appear both in core instructions pages and the justification pop-ups. PEER REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS Each call also use two embedded, call-specific peer review instructions includes that work just like the call-specific instructions includes for the proposal interfaces. They are found in the same folder as the proposal instructions includes, and correspond to instructions sections at the top and bottom of the peer review interface CREATING NEW CALLS When creating a new call in FMP, you need to duplicate an instructions set and name its folder using the call's database ID (e.g. 1,2,3,…; found in the 'Calls' layout of FMP) |