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  • Goal: Allow the user to easily sort, filter, and view existing events
    • Subtask: Navigate to Enable a Google Maps widgetview of events
    • Subtask: Select filtersAllow users to filter and sort events
    • Subtask: View event's information
      •  Precondition: Have clicked on that group's pin on the map or name on the list

Create new events:

Register for an event:

  • Goal: Users can sign up for an event, giving the organizers a sense of how many people are interested.
    • Subtask: User can register to show their interest in an event
      • Precondition: User must have an account
      • Precondition: User must be logged in
      • Precondition: User cannot register for the same event multiple times
      • Precondition: Event cannot be restricted for the user
    • Subtask: Keep a counter of the number of people interested.
    • Subtask: Show the names and profiles of people who have registered for the event
      • Precondition: User must allow this information to be shown

Create a user profile:

  • Goal: Give the user a public profile that other users can view
    • Subtask: Allow the user to customize information on their own page
      • Precondition: User must have an account
      • Precondition: User must be logged in
    • Subtask: User can list the events they have registered for
      • Precondition: User must specify a registration to be public for it to appear on his/her profile

Create new events:

  • Goal: Enable the creation of Goal: Allow the user to create new events
    • Subtask: Navigate to Create Event page
      • Precondition: Logged in
    • Subtask: Create an event
      • Precondition: Fill in event information (name, location, date, etc.)
      Subtask: Hit Add Event button
      • Precondition: Required information present
      • Precondition: Must have permission to create event for listed grouporganization
    • Subtask: Edit an existing event
      • Precondition: Must be an owner of that event.

Provide a layer of security:

  • Goal: Allow the creator of an event to restrict viewership
    • Subtask: Log in Specify viewership for a group
      • Precondition: Must have an accountbe a moderator for that group
    • Subtask: View restricted events
      • Precondition: Must be added to the 'viewers' (or better) list for that event
      Allow other users to add more users
    • Subtask: Allow visibility of event to select groups (friends, supporters of a different event, etc).Subtask: Create restricted events