- 40 y/o male, Software Engineering Manager at a local company
- Often has to answer the same questions over and over again about when deadlines are.
- Spends a large amount of time reminding people about deadlines
- Currently uses Jira to manage tasks, but people typically ignore the due date feature because it is extremely complicated
- 25 y/o male, Software engineer at a local company
- Uses a todo list manager and calendar notifications to manage tasks
- Difficult to work in a team with his current set up
- Gets notified far too often about impeding deadlines
- 20 y/o female, Simmons Student
- Uses a written planner to keep track of due dates
- Has lost her planner and then struggled to get organized again
- When she wants to remind friends about events she usually sends out multiple mass texts
From these interviews we conclude that almost everyone have some non ideal method of keeping track of their upcoming deadlines
User Analysis
Andy the team manager
Andy is the team leader of a project in his company. He has a lot of experience managing his team. One of his main jobs is to ensure that deadlines for projects are met. He often reminds his team members via email of deadlines as they approach. However, these manual actions sometimes are time-consuming for Andy.