GR3 - Paper Prototyping
Prototype Photos
to come
You are Erin, a sophomore who likes to party. You want to buy a new black dress for an upcoming party, and also to sell one of your older dresses. You will do both on the Dress Exchange, where you have already made an account.
- No users attempted to click outside of popups when they appeared, which seems to indicate that our popups were successful at conveying modality (they block access to the rest of the site while not-clicked). The one instance of hover dialogue we use appears only for a short time and no user attempted to click it.
- One user was confused by the difference in vocabulary between the "successfully sold dress" popup's "Browse Dresses" button, and the main sidebar's "Buy Dresses" option. We made a note to ensure that all instances of "go to where you can buy dresses" to "decided to make sure every such option read "Buy Dresses".
- A user did not realize that he needed to upload a picture of the dress he was attempting to sell, on the "Sell Dresses" screen. We decided that the "dress picture here" screen should be a little more obvious.
- In the course of testing, we found that we needed to explain to users that the dresses on the "My Saved Dresses" page were not necessarily the same as the ones on the "Buy Dresses" page. This was mainly due to the paper prototype's reliance on redundancy, however; had I drawn another page of unique dresses for the "My Saved Dresses" page, this problem would likely not exist.
- Users did not make much use of the Color, Style, and Size filters on the Buy Dresses page. (This was most likely because they didn't need to, though; the categories they needed for their dress were already " selected".)
Prototype Iteration
Here are the changes we made between prototypes, some based on the user observations above, some for the sake of making sure our prototype was more complete.