Platform: Web. Chrome only please. Some testers using Macs might run into a bug where HTML5 video's audio does not work (http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=109441) - if you run into this issue, try Safari, although keep in mind that the site was built/tested for Chrome and may display differently or function incorrectly in Safari.
Prototype: http://scottbezek.xvm.mit.edu/setents-gr4/
6. Inserting a snapshot from the video always inserts the same snapshot, not the current frame. Cropping the inserted snapshot does not actually result in a crop.
Collaboration Statement:
We utilize the open source jQuery RTE plugin (http://www.intrepidstudios.com/projects/jquery-rich-text-editor/documentation.aspx) to provide basic rich-test editing capability (along with significant modifications of our own to provide the video-sync highlights and better feedback).
We also use jQuery (http://jquery.com/) and jQuery UI (http://jqueryui.com/).