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Viewing Your Order



Tip Calculator



Two Ways to Pay



2. Implementation



Our Implementation

We implemented OpenMenu as a web application using:

  1. Javascript & Jquery Framework: Scripting the application together and creating our functions
  2. HTML5: Structuring the skeleton of our web application
  3. CSS3: Styling the looks and aesthetics of OpenMenu.

Why We Choose to Use the Web

We decided to implement OpenMenu as a web application for multiple reasons:

  1. All of our project members were familiar with web development, so we didn't need to learn any new languages.
  2. It can be deployed and tested on multiple types of tablet systems such as tablet PCs, Android Tablets, and iPads.
  3. The current web technologies provided all the tools we needed to implement OpenMenu.

Changes We Made

  1. Removal of Hoverable States: During our heuristic evaluations, we included hoverable states but we quickly realized that it was impossible to get into this state using a tablet system.
  2. Larger Buttons: We also had to make our buttons larger because testers noted that these buttons might be difficult to press using fingers.
  3. Removal of Filtering System: We found that the filtering system was extremely difficult to implement in the time we had. We moved on to survey a large group of prospective users to see if a filtering system was crucially necessary. Users noted that a filtering system might decrease learnability. We found that by further improving on the search feature of OpenMenu, we could avoid implementing the filtering system.
  4. Lack of Implementation for Waiter/Waitress Side: It was simply too daunting for us to implement both the customer AND the waiter/waitress side, so we focused our project to only implement the customer side. If we had more time, we would have included the waiter/waitress side in our application.
  5. Lack of Working Games: If this was a real project, we would have used an outside source and their APIs to include their games into our application. Because it would been extremely difficult to produce our own games into OpenMenu, we omitting including actual working games. 

3. Evaluation



We initially specified 3 user groups that would use our interface: the older parent, the college student, and the waitress. For the older parent group, we asked one of our own parents, who isn't technology savvy and fits the group. For the college student, we asked one of our friends, perfectly fitting into this group. For the waitress group, we asked one of our friends that was a waitress, again an ideal representation of this group.



Hello and thank you for help us with our project, OpenMenu! This is ____, _, ____, and ______.

    Picture this: 

    You are going out to a restaurant on a Friday night with a couple friends. When you are seated, you notice that instead of menus, your waiter has grabbed tablets instead. Your waiter informs you that the restaurant is trying out a new electronic ordering system. The purpose of this new ordering system is to make ordering and waiting at restaurants faster and more efficient and to entertain customers while waiting for their orders to arrive.

    To help us test the system, we're going to ask you to do some scenario tasks.
