Versions Compared


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The first thing to do is get OC4J .

Unzip it somewhere

Wiki Markup
I used \[user.home\]/oc4j/  That way I can keep multiple versions of OC4J.


         According to the findings of one of our developers, JasperReports will substitue the space between the text "Program" and "Files" in the name with "%20" and the compilation will result in error.


Wiki Markup
In OC4J 10.1.3 I actually had to comment out this line in \[j2ee.home\]/config/system-application.xml like so


to get Hibernate to work correctly.  Something to to with antlr packages conflicting with OC4J's.

Swapping Out The OC4J 10.1.3 XML Parser

In order to use Spring 3.0 with OC4J 10.1.3, you'll need to swap out the default XML parser in OC4J with something more modern.  xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar work fine.  To swap the parser out, you need to create a new shared library in the OC4J enterprise manager and then edit the system-application.xml file to use your new shared library instead of the Oracle XML parser.


Once you save these files and restart OC4J, you will be using the new XML parser.

Getting Better Debugging Information  From OC4J

By default, some run time errors that you'll see when testing web apps in OC4J are not too helpful. You can coax OC4J into giving you more information about certain errors by these changes in global-web-application.xml :


With these settings, you should get more meaningful messages in your browser when you run into certain errors (JSP syntax errors for example).

Add a Datasource

Wiki Markup
We need to add a datasource to our applications can pull data from the database.  Edit \[j2ee.home\]/config/data-sources.xml to add a datasource.  Here's an example of adding a MITSIS datasource:
