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Go to the [*Apache Maven Project download*|] site. Scroll down until you reach the *Maven 2.2.1* section and select either *Maven 2.2.1 (Binary tar.gz)* or *Maven 2.2.1 (Binary zip)*. Select a Mirror and save the downloaded file on your workstation.
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# Unzip/untar the binaries to a new folder (for example: c:\devtools\maven\2.2.1).
# To download Maven artifacts from the remote MIT maven repository (, an SSL connection is required. For Maven to acquire an SSL connection, you must create a system environment variable *MAVEN_OPTS* and set it as below:
*"XXXXXXXX" -Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m*
In your $ \{user.home} directory, create the directories oc4j/ and unzip the * * file to the $ \{user.home}/oc4j/ directory. Create a system environmental variable * Create a system environmental variable ORACLE_HOME * and set it's value to $ \{user.home}/oc4j/
For example: if *$ \{user.home}=/users/rstone *, then *ORACLE_HOME=/user/rstone/oc4j/ *
You can actually unzip to any directory you desire. The only requirement is that all directory names cannot contain any white space.
You can actually unzip to any directory you desire. The only requirement is that all directory names cannot contain any white space.
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h4. *Configure*
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Edit the file $\{ORACLE_HOME}/j2ee/home/config/system-application.xml and change: