Make sure that you have an extra plastic table, with a table skirt, available for front of house. In order to run box office, you will need: *
- A cash box, with change. You can get $1 bills from Bank of America in the Student Center, and will typically need $200 - $300 dollars in change, assuming we still charge $6 for tickets.
- Programs. Printing takes a long time, so don't do it right before the show.
- Reservations transferred from the internet into a physical piece of paper. Consolidated into one list is useful, and
- alphabetized would be
- especially sexy
- Tickets. These are printed at copy tech. It's probably best if you get them printed when you get the posters printed. Talk to June Milligan. Also see if they'll cut them for you- it's quite the pain if you have to cut them yourself. Templates can be found in the Ensemble Locker. Good luck getting them to work.
Lobby 10 Booth
Contrary to the name, this does not always happen in Lobby 10. Make sure that you reserve a space, the earlier the better. This can be done through Virtual EMS. Everyone involved in the show is typically required to sign up for some number of hours. Do your best to get everyone to sign up. Starting at 9am can be tricky for some, so it's usually helpful to send out a reminder each day, just so veryone's aware of what happens. There should also be an Officer of the Day. Make sure that they're doing they're job as well. Needed at booth are: *
- The Publicity Board, so people know what group is being advertised
- Show Posters, so they know what show is
- going up.
- Postcards, so they remember what show is going up.
- Reservations Binder, so they can reserve tickets for the show
* The Publicity Board, so people know what group is being advertised
* Show Posters, so they know what show is goint up.
* Postcards, so they remember what show is going up.
* Reservations Binder, so they can reserve tickets for the show
* Tickets and Cash Box, so they can buy tickets for the sho<del>w
- Tickets and Cash Box, so they can buy tickets for the
- show
- Toothpick Holders, so they remember us fondly.
To make life easier, all this should be stored in one spot in the office during prod week. That way we don't have to get CAC to let us into West Lounge every morning.