The most interesting comments she made about her goals while carpooling was that it is very difficult to keep track of which children are going where and when they are going. Managing her, her children's, and other children's schedules has been a daunting task for her and stated that this is a problem that is very much worth addressing.
User Classes
#1 1. Parents Reaching Out to Others
* Non-native English speakers who are not socially confident
* Have children who are not social, i.e. do not meet many other children
#2 2. Time Saving Parents
- Lead busy lifestyles that do not leave extra time to organize carpools
- Desire stress alleviation from managing many different schedules
- Need a fair distribution of driving time to maximize their time not carpooling
#3 3. Money Saving Parents
- Need a fair distribution of driving amount to maximize their savings from carpooling
- If others are willing to drive more often, they would prefer that they do