Parents and relatives living apart want to get an experience of what it is like to be at a place where their children/relatives live.
It is difficult in the following way:
- It's Experiences are difficult to communicate
- what What is it looks like to walk around Harvard Squarehow it looks ?
- What is it like to jog along the Charles River?
- What do you do on an average Friday night?
- Textual description/Images/Videos don't give a great idea of what the place is like solely.
What is it like to jog along the Charles River?
What do you do on an average Friday night?
Textual description/Images/Videos don't give a great idea of what the place is like solely.
- Charles river
User Groups
Two user groups
- experience the place where their children/relatives/friends are living
- see the landmarks virtually
- recreate the narrative of stories with immersive visual representation
- Person living abroad
- ability to share his experience in a visual way
- Tourists
- experience what the tour is going to look like beforehand
- Tour Guides
- ability to better convey the tour experience to prospective tourist
- tourists