- WMBR currently receives music through 2 channels: CDs (mail) and digital media (email). Every week Ken manually sorts through all the mail and places CDs into different genres by placing color-coded stickers on them. At the same time, he places a label on the disk cover for DJs to mark down what track they have played on air, and the date they played that track.
- All new CDs filed are entered into a log book manually or through an Excel spreadsheet. Many music directors use this log book to check what the new releases are.
- Not all DJs track their plays regularly on the CD label, so as a secondary source Ken uses Track Blaster (another system for logging the playlist for every show), but even that is not enough sometimes, as not all DJs are methodical about using Track Blaster.
- Every 2 weeks, Ken will take all the new release CDs and tally all the play counts into a huge Excel spreadsheet. This is a time-consuming and tedious process.
- This spreadsheet is then sent to all music directors, where they will use the count to report to CMJ.
- After 3 months, Ken cleans the CDs under "new releases", permanently filing the ones with frequent plays and flushing the unpopular ones.