Phone call with Arjun
* Personal Details
- 40 years old
- lives in Mumbai, India
- works in a bank (a clerk )
- has never been to US before
- has travelled to three other countries (Dubai, Singapore, and Kenya)
- has only one child (Raj, 25 years old)
- Raj works for a software company in Banglore
* Context
- feels lonely because his son has recently moved to San Francisco
- they both talk over phone almost every day
- his son tells him interesting stories (some sample stories below)
- his son told him how amazing it was to drive to LA from SFO through Highway 1 along the pacific coast
- a story about his son's hiking to glacier point (Yesomite)
- a story about his visit to Google's Mountain View Campus
- a story about Stanford University's beautiful Palm Drive entrance and the oval
* Breakdowns/Workarounds
- after the phone call, he often goes to web and tries to look up images, videos, etc.. of the place to relate the stories with a visual representation
- he feels that had he been at the place before, he would be able to 'experience' the stories
- he often tries to imagine - what it would be like to be driving on Highway 1 along the pacific coast.
* Opportunities
- these breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to communicate experience and there is an opportunity
- we want Arjun to be able to experience what it is like to be driving on Highway 1 or walking over the crooked street at SFO?
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