- these breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to communicate experience and there is an opportunity
- we want Arjun to be able to experience what it is like to be driving on Highway 1 or walking over the crooked street at SFO?
Facetime with another parent
* Personal Details
- 47 years old, mother
- lives in Pune, India
- has never been to US before
- has not travelled to any other country
- has her one child studying in US
- lives with her other two children
* Context
- prefers to talk over webcam/facetime instead of phone call
- wants to see her son's face while talking
- often asks her son to show the office, dorm through the phone camera
- interested in seeing the place where her son lives.
- likes video over phone because she feels more closer to her son
* Breakdowns/Workarounds
- often difficult to get sense of things through phone camera
- feels restricted by technology, wants to be closer with her son
* Opportunities
- there is an opportunity to make the communication better.
Phone call with Joy
* Personal Details
- 33 years old
- a resident of India
- a prof
- planning to tour Paris with his wife
- has never been to Paris before
- has travelled to many other countries
* Context
- wants to plan his trip
- is taking help from a tour agent
- tour agent has given him a leaflet that has
- textual description of each trip location
- beautiful images of various landmarks
- review and comments from people
* Breakdowns/Workarounds
- he wants to get a better the sense of what the trip would be like
- he wants to take a virtual tour of various places so that he can make a better decision of which all places to go
* Opportunities
- the breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to experience 'how a trip is going to look like' in advance and there is an opportunity
- we want Joy to be able to experience what different places at Paris are going to be like