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Lana comes to the station to file a few physical CDs.  While While she's there, she decides to *upload some of the digital releases* she's received via email in the past week.  While . She *downloads the zip files* and proceeds to *upload them through the KaJaM! interface*.

While most of the albums only need a comment or some album art to be added before being approved, one albumrequire only artist name, genre, album name and release date, one of the submitted albums, "Killer Kilometer" by Starmarker, has misnamed generically named its tracks as "Track 1Track1.mp3", "Track 2Track2.mp3", etc.  She then She quickly *corrects the track names* before confirming the album’s submission to the album is added to the digital databasedigital playback library. While doing so, she *previews several tracks from the album* to familiarize herself with the latest library addition.

After a few more digital uploads, she looks at the time and realizes .  After correcting a few uploads, she glances at the clock and notices that she has only 30 minutes left to prepare for her radio show that evening.  Since Since she's not planning on returning to the station that later this week, she quickly *delegates the remaining uploads tasks* to an "elfElf", Adam, to check and import before heading to prepare for her show.

During  During her show, Lana finds that she has some downtime to *submit the weekly College Media Journal (CMJ) list*, so she logs back in to pull into KaJaM! and *pulls up the top plays* from the digital system and submit exports them to CMJ.  Other than that, however, she does not bother with submitting any additional uploads.  However, when she gets home, she notices a new digital download from a record company in her inbox.  Slightly perturbed by her lack of time, she quickly uploads that download from home and again delegates it to Adam, as she does not have the time to work on it herselfa list for CMJ submission.