The most important parts of safety in shopping are ensuring that nothing is purchased accidentally. To combat this, we have several features. First of all, the checkout process asks for confirmation. Secondly, adding to the cart asks for the quantity desired before adding.
Design 2 - Efficiency-Focused
This design
In order to facilitate the learnability of the keyboard shortcuts, which are a focus of the design, we have an initial overlay on the site with the keyboard shortcuts enumerated. Additionally, whenever a ctl or alt key is pressed, the overlay appears again for the current page.
The focus of this design is efficiency, and as such keyboard shortcuts are prevalent. Additionally, almost all of the functionality is located on one page in order to facilitate fewer clicks.This design
This design is safe in that there is a keyboard shortcut to undo any action. Additionally, any keyboard shortcut which is pressed is shown on the bottom.
Design 3 - Audio/Voice-Focused
This designUpon first entering this site, an audio tutorial is given with available keyboard commands and navigation tips. Furthermore, the command “help” can be issued, and all the voice and keyboard commands will be read out.
This design
is keyboard and voice-centric, and as such does not require precise mouse movement. This allows for rapid navigation once the interface is learned.
An “undo” command can be issued, which will undo the last action (and read out what action has been undone).This design