Versions Compared


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* Learnability:

  • seeing Seeing pictures of the students makes it clear how to access a student 
  • notifications allow users learn about the site. The user will learn about different features through them
  • each individual student's page.
  • Notifications (in the top right of the screen) help users to learn about different features of the website.
  • The sidebar is The website has a standard layout that users are used accustomed to it 
  • the The "create form" page is confusing. It is not clear whether one has to add text in order to upload a PDF, and what the templates are for.  (It is not evident that the user can use any one of these three methods to create a form.)
  • It it is not clear to the user what will happen if he or /she pick chooses a template after writing a permission slip.

* Efficiency:

  • Having students pictures saves time 
  • notifications save time 
  • can upload PDFs 
  • uses templates 




  • ' pictures is efficient because it gives the teacher a larger target on which to click.
  • Notifications save time.
  • Similarly, new items can be accessed easily in two different ways: through the notification buttons and from the sidebar.
  • The teacher can upload a PDF of the permission slip if she already has one saved on her computer.
  • The teacher is provided with templates that she can use to create her permission slip.  This means that she only needs to edit a few fields (such as the activity and the date) to create a permission slip quickly. 




  • Nested
  • nested menus require steering of mouse.
  • the The attendance table is just plain text, can't send a reminder 
  • might loss what we wrote if we move to template 
  • ; the teacher cannot send a reminder to parents who have not yet signed the permission slip. 
  • If the teacher selects a template after typing in the text box, she might lose what she wrote.
  • Too many clicks are required: the teacher clicks on the class, then clicks Forms, then clicks Create New Form.too many clicks: teacher clicks on class -> clicks Forms -> clicks Create New Form

* Safety:

  • parents need password, so the kid won't be able to go in and approve
  • The teacher is able to save a draft of the form in case we need to go backshe needs to stop in the middle and return to it later.
  • can't Parents cannot change their mind after they approved or denied the permission slip.