| The main site navigation has two main navigation bars. The top bar will contain on the left notifications and messages indicator with links to the respective pages, and to the right your standard user account management. The right bar will contain simple text links to all of the main components of the site, and clicking on any link will load the relevant content into the "Content" section. |
| The home page will contain the sign in/sign up page. The main focus will be these two mechanisms in the middle of the page, in a widget that can switch tabs between the two. The benefits of this design is that it should make signing in/up super simple. We only ask of the user as little as we really need to in order to create an account, or access their account. There will additionally be some links at the bottom of the page with the standard contact, about, etc... that lead to the relevant content. |
| This is the main calendar overview page. At the top there's an "add event" link which takes you to a page where you can fill in all of the details and have it be added to the calendar. |