Individual Design Sketches
Tran Nguyen
- Step-Specific Design: This design exploits the steps that the dorm manager or the desk worker need to complete the specific task, namely maintenance/repair request and moving in/moving out of students. All of the steps are put in a one place, so it is easy for the user to navigate and complete his task. Each of the bar will display a screen on the right for the user to edit.
Screen 1: The top part display the notification showing that the user has new maintenance request. After the user clicks on it, the screen with all of the steps will display. Everything else is explained in the picture.
View Room: This view show the alternative view of the floor plan of all of the above design. When the user over over each room, it will display the small section of the floor plan where the room located with some useful information. If the user clicks on the room, it will display the detail information of the room such as dimension, current residence, check-out item, etc.
Daniel Martelly
| The idea behind this design was to have all information and tasks focused around the room number. A user can see the history of a room in the hopes that the user may notice a pattern behind repairs indicating a more serious problem. In addition, when the user wants to initiate a new task, the user can click one of the new task buttons which will take them to a form which will be partially completed with default information based on the room. |
| This design splits the screen into 3 columns. The first column is mostly static. Depending on the selection made in the first column, the second column populates with the appropriate information. The same thing happens between the second and third column. |
Storyboard Designs
Design 1