Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. You have 6 new requests
    1. Approve 2 of them
    2. Reject 2 of them
  2. You recently started talking to Ryan. Make an adjustment to Ryan to make his information easier to view
  3. Likewise, your relationship with Delian is fading. Start a new interaction with him
  4. Akash is one of your lead investors. Check up on him and send him an email.
    1. He is incorrectly categorized as a beta user. Categorize him as an investor
  5. You see a new tweet from Ryan. Respond to it.
  6. You are raising a seed round. Look over just your investors.

Design Iterations

First iteration

After our first iteration, we made several changes:

  1. Removed the green check-mark from the bottom-right of the modal
  2. Added a highlight and red border to the tags overlay to indicate that tags were necessary when approving a user
  3. Added a "later" button
  4. Changed the grid icon to a three-line icon
  5. Changed the resize icon to a double-headed arrow

    Second iteration

  6. Changing all icon-buttons to text since we have so much space to work with
  7. Make one of the resize icons glow until that feature is used
  8. Allow people to drag contacts around throughout the grid