- User selected “my carpools” tab immediately.
- Following tabbed page load, the user selected “basket weaving”.
- The user remarks that he would “tab out to view his calendar and tab back to confirm the swap date”.
- User remarks that clicking the final “okay” would make the my carpools schedule re-update with the revised dates.
User B
Task 1
- He entered, “Underwater basket weaving, Bakersfield, CA”. He felt the field was too generic and would have preferred to see a “location” field in addition to a description field.
- He clicked on the first class.
- He strongly resisted going further because he doesn’t want to carpool with people he doesn’t know, for the safety of his children.
- He clicked the button to enter his address.
- Upon seeing that Alyssa and Vladimir are close to him, he wondered whether they are close to him in the direction of the class or another direction. He suggested putting a map on the page.
- He tried to select Alyssa and Vladimir, but didn’t understand why there were no checkboxes and didn’t see the button to add himself to the carpool.
- Upon seeing that button, he clicked it, signed up, checked the boxes for Alyssa and Vladimir and proceeded.