To protect anonymity, we will refer to our three testers for this round as User A, User B, and User C.
User A
Task 1
- The user enters entered “Underwater basket weaving, Bakersfield, CA,” hits hit tab, and presses pressed submit. He mentions mentioned that he would have expected the cursor to be in the text field by default.
- He clicks clicked on the first class.
- He clicks clicked on the button for entering his address.
- He likes liked seeing that Alyssa and Vladimir are nearby. He comments that this motivates him to go further. He asks how far the class is from his home, and notes that the interface should display that information.
- He then clicks clicked the on the button for adding himself to the carpool but feels felt confused because he wants wanted to know more about the people in the carpool first. He wants wanted to click on their names and see a profile. This is a safety issue; the interface is not providing the adequate information prior to setting up a carpool.
Task 2
- The user correctly selects selected the "Next Date" tab and clicks clicked “confirm.” Afterwards, user is was able to quickly identify the view next schedule option.
- The user remarks remarked that he does did not know how to make page options go away after completing the task.
Task 3
- The user clicks clicked “Swap Dates” from the "Next Date" tab, which leads led the user to the “My Carpools" tab already loaded with information about the Underwater Basket Weaving group. He selects selected the swap arrow on the date he wants wanted to remove and selects selected another arrow to complete the task. The user ignored the cancel date column of selections.
- The user selected the “My Carpools” tab immediately upon seeing a notification.
- Following the page load, the user selected the “Underwater Basket Weaving” group.
- The user remarks remarked that he would ordinarily “tab out to view his calendar and tab back to confirm the swap date.”
- He remarks remarked that clicking the final "OK" would make the "My Carpools" schedule re-update with the revised dates after reading the message.
Task 5
- The user remarks remarked that “Track Ride” is a little confusing because he wants wanted to track his ride, not to track another parent’s. However, he was able to quickly run through all the steps.
User B
Task 1
- The user entersentered, “Underwater basket weaving, Bakersfield, CA”. He feels felt that the field is was too generic and would have preferred to see a “Location” field in addition to a description field.
- He clicks clicked on the first class.
- He strongly resists resisted going further because he doesndidn't want to carpool with people he doesn’t didn’t know, for the safety of his children.
- The user clicks clicked the button to enter his address.
- Upon seeing that Alyssa and Vladimir are were close to him, the user wonders wondered whether they are were close to him in the direction of the class or another direction. He suggests suggested putting a map on the page.
- The user tries tried to select Alyssa and Vladimir, but doesn’t but didn’t understand why there are were no checkboxes and fails failed to see the button to add himself to the carpool.
- Upon seeing that button, he clicks clicked it, signs signed up, checks checked the boxes for Alyssa and Vladimir, and proceedsproceeded.
Task 2
- The user promptly selects selected the "Next Date" tab.
- Upon selecting the "Next Date" tab, the user re-reads read his task description. The user seems seemed a little confused after selecting confirm. The facilitator tells told the user that there currently is was no feedback at this the time.
- He is was able to print route directions and get his schedule for the month instinctively.
- Afterwards, the user remarks remarked that he was initially tempted to select the “My Carpools” tab.
Task 3
- User recalls The user recalled seeing something about swapping in “next “Next date” and selects selected the “next date” “Next Date” tab.
- Once there, he selects “swap” selected “Swap Dates” to get to the my carpools tab.
- User selects The user selected the date he wants wanted to swap and the new date to swap with. The user was confused with the language “you” or and the option to swap with yourself.
- User remarks The user remarked that the swapping is was very tricky and needed facilitator guidance to complete the task.
Task 4
- The user selects selected “My Carpools” and remarks remarked that the notification was catching his attention.
- The user selects selected “I accept” quickly after viewing the pop-up.
- On the following pop-up screen, he initially clicks clicked “cancel” because he isn’t wasn’t sure which dates were his, indicating he is was not able to understand the date selection.
- The user is was confused because in task 3 he only selected one date to swap, not two. He remarks remarked that it is was not clear in task 3 that the user is was supposed to select as many dates as possible.
Task 5
- The user quickly selects selected “Underwater Basket Weaving” and then “Track Ride.”
- The user remarks remarked that there is was confusion with the vocabulary “Track Ride” since he would be doing that to track someone else’s ride, not his own ride.
User C
Task 1
Task 2
- The user feels felt confusion between selecting the "Next Date" tab or and the "My Carpools" tab.
- He views viewed the full schedule.
- He successfully confirmed his date.
Task 3
- The user navigates navigated to the "My Carpools" tab.
- He forgets forgot which date was next, so he navigates navigated back to his next date the "Next Date" tab to view the date.
- He selects selected a swap date button to initiate the swap.
- Initially, the user only selects selected a single date. After receiving an error message, he then immediately selects selected another date to swap with.
Task 4
- The user notices noticed the notification and navigates navigated to the “My Carpools” tab.
- He notices the noticed another notification and navigates navigated to the "Underwater Basket Weaving" tab.
- He makes made sure he does did not have conflicts on either of those days.
- The user notes noted that the pop-up display during the swap is was slightly confusing, and that there should be have been a more clear indication of which date he is was swapping to and which date he is was swapping from.
Task 5
- The user quickly completes completed the task, but like the other two users, notes noted confusion over the wording.