- Get forecast name from Forecast Model, display it in Source Forecast/ Forecast Name field.
- Get forecast cost object name from raft.data.CostObject.COTITLE, display it in Source Forecast/ Forecast Cost Object field.
- Get forecast workset name from raft.data.Workset.title, display it in Source Forecast/ Forecast Workset field.
Display three radio buttons: PI, Department, Common. Put change event listener on the radioWiki Markup If raft.data.CostObject.Forecasts\[\] has at least one forecast with a workset_category of Department, show these three radio buttons: PI, Department, Common, else show: PI and Common. Put change event listener on the radio
PI RadioButton Clicked
- Show Overwrite Existing and Create New buttons. Add click listeners to both.
- Show Overwrite Destination Forecast in dialog. Add click listener.
PI Overwrite Destination Forecast Button Clicked
- Display in Destination Forecast the Name of the PI, which is raft.data.CostObject.SUPERVISOR.
- Get forecast cost object name from raft.data.CostObject.COTITLE, display it in Destination Forecast/ Forecast Cost Object field.
Wiki Markup Get the list of forecasts to display by searching raft.data.CostObject.Forecasts\[\] for the worksetCategoryworkset_category == PI. All PI Forecasts should be listed in the Destination Forecast List.
- On On click, call publish/share forecast with the selected forecast key as the destination scenarioKey, and the rest of the data from above as needed. Close dialog.
- Show Overwrite Existing and Create New buttons. Add click listeners to both.
- Show Overwrite Destination Forecast in dialog. Add click listener.
NameWiki Markup Display in Destination Forecast the
PI, which isworkset_name of the
costobject.forecast\[\] whose workset_category == Department.
- Get forecast cost object name from raft.data.CostObject.COTITLE, display it in Destination Forecast/ Forecast Cost Object field.
Wiki Markup Get the list of forecasts to display by searching raft.data.CostObject.Forecasts\[\] for the worksetCategory == PI. All PI Forecasts should be listed in the Destination Forecast List.
- On click, call publish/share forecast with the selected forecast key as the destination scenarioKey, and the rest of the data from above as needed. Close dialog.