User D
Task 1
Task 2
- The user selected thought that the "My Carpools" tab instead of the "Next Date" tab because he was reading from left to right and saw "My Carpools" first.He then viewed his full schedule and realized that he needed to check his next date, so he navigated to the " Next Date" tab .He thought that something like the next date feature should also have been included in the "My Carpools" tab as well.He remarked that the included some feature like "Next Date" tab seemed very intuitive to him.for each respective carpool. This would allow for easy access of viewing of the next time to drive for any of the user's carpools.
Task 3
- The user found the swap date radio buttons confusing because he had not previously seen the carpooling schedule under "My Carpools." He found the wording confusing because he didn’t understand exactly who he was swapping with, suggesting that the interface should include the name of the driver under the swap dates.
- The user really enjoyed the notification tabs. He thought, especially from a parent’s perspective, that the notifications easily guided him to the important task at hand. It reminded him of Facebook, he commented.
Task 5
- The user found the interface intuitive, and did not have much to say about what could be improved here.
- He thought that there could be more information displayed at all times. Although we wanted to keep the interface simple in order to communicate the information well, we may choose to add more navigable activities.
- Much like a previous tester, the user mentioned the redundancy again. He thought that a user who had used this portion of the interface more than once would be annoyed with having to first accept the swap and then select the date. At this point, the user mentioned that he would really like the feature of syncing his Google Calendar with his full schedule, so he could decide based off of his other events if the swap was feasible.He commented that the notifications were a very good idea.
Task 5
- Like other testers, the user completed the task easily and did not much to say here. He just asked if there would be more functional activities for the mobile app.