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Platform and software requirements: While it should work on any modern browser on any modern OS, we did our testing on Chrome running on OSX. At the least, we recommend using Chrome on your OS of choice.


Upon opening our application, the user is presented with a patient overview screen, which displays a list of patients, their locations, and any relevant alerts. A bar across the top displays the name of the application, the name and role (doctor or nurse) of the current user, and a button to add a new patient: Image Added

Selecting a patient expands that patient's entry in the list vertically and brings up demographic, medical history, and allergy information in the sidebar on the right: Image Added

The patient display consists of three tabs: "Overview," "Edit Medications,Prescriptions" and "Give MedicationAdministration" if the user is a doctor and two tabs: "Overview" and "Give Medication" for a nurse (the nurse view is not yet implemented). The Overview tab, which is the default, displays the following panels: 

  • Vitals, including heart rate and BP
  • History of medical actions, including time of prescription and administration of medications
  • Current medication schedule, including dosage, frequency, and time of next administration
  • Medications with overdue or nearly-overdue next administration times are highlighted in red. Selecting a medication in this list will switch to the "Give Medication" tab

The Give Medication The Administration tab shows a list of upcoming doses of each prescribed medication, sorted by time to next dose, and a history of all medication given during the patient's stay. Each upcoming dose has a "done" button next to it, which the user can select to indicate that the drug was administered and automatically add the dose to the medication history. An Undo button allows the user to reverse this interaction., and an "Undo" link reverses this action: Image Added

The Prescriptions The Edit Medications tab shows a list of currently prescribed medications along with the dosage, frequency, and start and stop times for each. The user can delete any of these prescriptions or select a field to edit its value. A For each prescription, a pencil icon indicates a button to edit the prescription, and an X button deletes the prescription (not yet implemented): Image Added
An "Add prescription" button at the bottom of the tab labeled "Add Medication" allows the user to input the drug, dosage, frequency, and start and stop for a new medication. list provides text fields for the new medication name and dosage, a dropdown selector for frequency, and datetime pickers for the start and end of the prescription (not yet added). The dropdown frequency selector specifically addresses a common issue we found in user testing, in which users were often confused by the format for medication frequency: Image Added