Table of Contents
Jane is the mother of two sons, Bob and Steve. After hearing of underwater basket weaving and its potential to become the next Olympic sport, Bob asks to be enrolled in a class at the nearest pool, located approximately 30 miles away. Recognizing her young son’s promise in the sport, Jane agrees.
From the user homepage, Jane clicks the second icon to see messages from the basket weaving carpool. (The navigation to get there is exactly the same as that of the pending requests view.) The most prominent display here is the chat-style messaging system. Vladimir has replied, and they agree to a swap. They can keep track by clicking the “Full Schedule” icon on the left-hand side and editing in the changes.
Design 3: Mobile
Design 3 tackles non-computer interfaces, specifically targeting mobile phones. This design is essentially a condensed version of the original application. Ideally, it would only be used once a carpool account has been set up online. Our storyboard works under this assumption.