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As a working mother, Lin has a busy schedule and seeks carpooling opportunities to ease the time commitment of chauffeuring her 2 kids with active extracurriculars. Lin is most concerned with finding other parents to carpool with, optimizing for distance, being reminded of dates, and being able to switch with other parents in case a conflict comes up.

User Analysis

User Class

Parents of school-aged children in extracurricular activities.

Major Characteristics
  • Can communicate in English
  • Are 25 to 55 years old
  • Have school-aged children (5 to 18 years old)
  • Live in suburban areas that require driving
  • Possess at least functional computer skills, but not necessarily anything too complex
  • Own cars that hold 4+ people
  • Own phones
User Classes

1. Parents Reaching Out to Others

  • Non-native English speakers who are not socially confident
  • Have children who are not social, i.e. do not meet many other children

2. Time Saving Parents

  • Lead busy lifestyles that do not leave extra time to organize carpools
  • Desire stress alleviation from managing many different schedules
  • Need a fair distribution of driving time to maximize their time not carpooling

3. Money Saving Parents

  • Need a fair distribution of driving amount to maximize their savings from carpooling
  • If others are willing to drive more often, they would prefer that they do

Needs & Goals

Carpoolers in General
