Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Possible improvement


Could not post a tweet because
was not registered on twitter and did not wish to.

User 1

Create independent data base for tweets.


When navigating Google Earth, tried to use mouse
and did not figure out immediately to use keyboard

User 1

Support mouse navigation alongside keyboard controls.


Was confused when taken to teleport's navigation
window because did not know if the other person is still 
in chat mode.

User 1

Make it more obvious that person's live chat window moves 
to the sidebar, when system's mode changes.


When tried to speak a location, there were multiple errors.

User 1

Better speech parsing and understanding capabilities.


Keyboard does not have Page Up / Page Down.

User 2



The tweet option appears only when the user clicks the
share button.

User 2

Include a separate button for the tweet option.











  • Brainstorming and sketching ideas separately and then discussing them together as a group really expanded the amount of options and possible solutions we considered.
  • Early paper prototyping is a good way to figure usability, efficiency and learnability issues.
  • During user testing we observed plenty of user behaviours that we could not have predicted ourselves.
  • Because paper prototyping is quick and easy, it allows to iterate through many different design options. Paper prototyping particularly helped us to find the most intuitive location for buttons and navigation controls; find out safety issues (e.g. confirming that tweets are being saved); because the paper prototype was to scale we got a good indication if the layout works well.
  • The drawback of a paper prototype was that it did not allow us to foresee many implementation challenges, accurately test typography, colour schemes.