- User B is a parent and graduate student at MIT. User B is friend of a friend of one of our team members and is a parent interested in carpooling in the future.
User C
- -How we found him/her. How representative he/she is-User C is a parent of two children ages six and eight. She is in her mid twenties and interested in carpooling as her children age into activities that require it.
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Usability Problems
Use the following template when entering your problems. The last person entering usability problems should delete this. Only enter problems that haven't already been summarized below.
Problem Statement
- Severity:
- Heuristic:
- Problem:
- Solution:
User did not know whether to log in or User did not know whether to log in or search a class ID
- Severity: Medium
- Heuristic: Efficiency
- Problem: The user did not know whether or not he should log in first or enter the class ID
- Solution: Remove search option before logging in
- Severity: Major
- Heuristic: Learnability
- Problem: The user was unsure if his swap request was submitted.
- Solution: Use in-page confirmations that fade away automatically.
Using browser "back" causes a user to logout
- Severity: Major
- Heuristic: Safety
- Problem: When a user uses a browser back button when filling out a form, they are logged out losing their work.
- Solution: Override the browser's default back functionality to traverse our breadcrumbs or panes
Accordion labels are not obvious
- Severity: Minor
- Heuristic: Learnability
- Problem: The "From ___ to ___" label for our direction accordion is not tied closely enough to their corresponding directions
- Solution: Box and highlight each label when it is selected.
Early Stages
- Overall, we think that paper prototyping is very effective, especially since most people don’t think to do it in this high-tech day and age.
- One thing we noticed was that we took safety into consideration early on. However, when we were developing the paper prototype, our designed emphasized efficiency; as young people without children, we had a preference for efficient designs. It was only after user testing on the paper prototype that we realized how important safety was.
- We learned that it is really important to understand our user class because that defines what they want. It sometimes takes multiple iterations to get usability right. It took three iterations of scrapping what we did in order to make the Swap Dates and Full Schedule features intuitive for users.