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The design of the final product was focused heavily around developing an intuitive UI. Many of the problems that plagued the UI was a lack of error messages as well as functionality that would be intuitively there but did not function properly. An example of this would be clicking on the names of athletes or of the "Select All Members" button but it would not actually act; it would only do something if the actual checkbox was clicked. This was fixed.

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We redesigned the homepage of the website. Originally the calendar populated the front page, but it was too cumbersome to click to the home page every time the user wanted to change date he was working on, so we changed the calendar to be a popup from a header bar at the top. Image Added
We wanted our app to be easily broken down into 5 major sections: Home, Members and Groups, Workouts, Timing, and Results. These appear as large buttons along the bottom of the screen, because if the user (coach) is used to holding clipboards, he'll be holding the top of his iPad, and we didn't want accidental clicking of the large buttons.

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Our pages utilize accordions to collapse and expand data on members, groups, and workouts. This is because a group can be large and potentially push data off the screen. This is primarily the make up of the workout and members pages. This is the result of users wanting to be able to collapse groups that they don't need at the moment.

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Our timer page was probably the most interesting in terms of design. The idea was created off of a stopwatch, but the start and stop button being the same button really threw off our users. In addition, our method of timing was slightly different from the traditional clipboard method. Here, we have buttons for each player and tapping the button will take a time down for that user. This allows coaches to quickly take down times as opposed to writing down times on a clipboard quickly. This approach worked better on the computer and was still highly intuitive.

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The results page is also relatively straightforward but the place where we would probably spend the most time improving. This is the place where we had the least amount of polish due to the time constraints and technical issues we ran into implementing this page (more on this in the next section). Primarily we focused around making it easy to select users, from multiple screens to a single simplified page. We removed the functionality of choosing groups and opted instead for giving the ability to batch select athletes. This way you receive the ability to view groups but without the extra complexity.
