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  • Offer premier programs for shaping leaders who will create, redefine, and build cutting‐edge cutting-edge products, services, markets, and organizations;
  • Collaborate across MIT to capitalize on and contribute to the Institute’s distinctive intellectual excellence and entrepreneurial culture;
  • Attract, develop, and retain outstanding faculty and staff who lead the world in management education and research;
  • Enroll students with integrity, strong leadership potential, high aspirations, and exceptional intellectual ability; and
  • Foster a cooperative and adventurous learning community that includes alumni and business partners, works on important problems, and is based on mutual respect, rigorous analysis, and high ethical standards.


The MIT Sloan Mission statement (above) provides the context for core values that express who we are at our best. These core values include integrity, respect, collaboration, innovation, and positive impact. We invite all members of our community – students, staff, faculty, alumni – to practice these values in all the ways we work together, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Values Link

Core Values



The MIT Sloan mission statement provides the context for the core values that express who we are at our best. We invite all members of our community to practice these values in all the ways we work together, both inside and outside of the classroom.


INTEGRITY: Upholding the highest personal, professional, and intellectual standards
RESPECT: Valuing differences and respecting each other's ideas and abilities as individuals and groups
COLLABORATION: Building community, expanding intellectual and professional horizons
INNOVATION: Applying creativity, fresh perspectives, and rigor to generate value
POSITIVE IMPACT: On individuals, the community, society‐at‐large society-at-large

Values in Practice


To foster an appropriate living and learning culture, MIT Sloan students, faculty, and staff:

  • Support each other's successes.
  • Help each other attain personal and professional objectives.
  • Hold ourselves and each other accountable for decisions made and actions taken.
  • Employ conservative behavior, when in doubt.


Below are suggested best practices for you to consider as you develop‐‐or refine—Values@MIT develop-or refine--Values@MIT Sloan classroom practices that fit your individual style and subject:

  • Students expect that the faculty member will set and maintain boundaries in the classroom and may lose respect for those that don’t.
  • Students are generally inclined to follow rules if you express them up front – better not to give the impression that you're making up the rules as you go.
  • All faculty are encouraged to uphold Values@MIT Sloan; those who don’t make it more difficult for those faculty who do and negatively impact the overall environment at MIT Sloan. Students definitely prefer consistency in classroom expectations and structure.
  • Please do your part by starting and ending session on ‘MIT Time’ – beginning class at 5 minutes after and ending five minutes before the designated time (e.g., for an 8:30 - 10:00 class, start at 8:35 and end at 9:55).
  • Faculty are encouraged to model MIT Sloan values (respect, integrity, collaboration, innovation, positive impact), creating a professional classroom atmosphere and using appropriate language and humor.


Addressing specific issues that may arise:

Using laptops/PDAs for non‐class non-class activities

  • Ask everyone to turn off their computers/cell phones/PDAs at the beginning of class
  • Call on people that are using their electronics for non‐class non-class activities
  • Walk around the class so that it becomes obvious that you are aware of student activities
  • Specify in your syllabus if you do not want computers, etc. used for non‐class non-class activities during class time and that those wishing to take notes on their computer should see you about it).
  • Remind students that they are in class to think and participate – highlight the importance of class participation and engagement
  • Walk up to a student using a laptop and ask him to close the laptop – wait for him to do so


  • Stop the class and address the behavior before returning to the subject matter – explain that you find it disrespectful and do will not accept that type of behavior in your classroom
  • Ask to speak to the offending parties after class
  • Student‐to‐student Student-to-student aggressive/disrespectful behavior can often cause teams to break up – speak to the team about the behavior and explain why it's unacceptable


  • Call on students that do not participate
  • Have TAs stay on top of class lists and class participation early on in the semester
  • Speak to the student after class
  • If the non‐participation non-participation in class is due to people that you suspect are shopping for classes and may drop the class:
    • Have a nontrivial non-trivial assignment due on the 3rd or 4th class session to force students to make up their minds earlier about whether they will remain in the class
    • Remember that you can refuse to add someone to your class after the 1st week of classes


  • Let the student know as they leave the class that they will lead the discussion at the next class session
  • Ask the student a question as they leave the class
  • Early in the semester talk about desired guest protocol and the disruption of multiple students leaving and entering for bio‐breaksbio-breaks; Ask that it be kept to a minimum


As a member of the MIT Sloan academic community, you are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and facilitating academic dishonesty. Please see the document Academic Integrity at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: A Handbook for Students for further discussion of this topic. These standards are also discussed below, specifically regarding plagiarism, individual work, and team work.

It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of MIT’s rules of academic integrity and to adhere to them. When students are found to have violated academic standards, disciplinary action will result. Possible consequences include grade reduction, an F grade, a transcript notation, delay of graduation, or expulsion from MIT.

This discussion of academic integrity below is not exhaustive, and there may be areas that remain unclear to you. If you are unsure whether some particular course of action is proper, it is your responsibility to consult with your professor and/or teaching assistant for clarification.


Plagiarism occurs when you use another's intellectual property (words or ideas) and do not acknowledge that you have done so. Plagiarism is a very serious offense. If it is found that you have plagiarized – deliberately or inadvertently – you will face serious consequences, as indicated above.


Team Assignments

When you are asked to work in teams, there is a broad spectrum of faculty expectations. Three general types of appropriate collaboration on team assignments are described below. The instructor will indicate in the syllabus what his/her expectations are. If there is any uncertainty, it is the student’s responsibility to clarify with the professor or TA the type of team work that is expected.


  • Each team member must make a substantial contribution to the assignment. It is not, for example, acceptable to divide the assignments amongst the team members (e.g., part of the team completes the OP Project while the rest of the team prepares a team case for DMD), though the team may divide the work of any one assignment to complete it as they deem appropriate.
  • The team may not collaborate with other students outside of the team unless the professor explicitly permits such collaboration.

If you are unsure whether some particular form of interaction is proper in individual or team work, it is your responsibility to consult the instructor and/or teaching assistant for clarification and guidance