Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Verify the screen is displayed as seen above (make sure the image is up to date).
  2. Verify the bread crumb at the top of the main panel is correct : Home > Selected Workset.
  3. Toggle the favorites star next to the workset tile by clicking on it. Verify that the workset is added or removed from the "Favorites" pop-up list as you click on it.
  4. Verify that the "Favorites" star icon changes to indicate a favorite (solid star) or not (start outline) as you click.
  5. Verify that the Budget selection input matches the Budget selected in the Settings pop-up.
  6. Verify that there are cost object listed in the grid and the first column (Cost Object) is a link.
  7. Click on a cost object  link in the grid and verify that the view changes to that cost object's details.
  8. Using the bread crumb link, click on the workset and verify that you are returned to the workset view.
  9. Scroll down the page (if necessary) and verify that the people paid on cost objects in the workset are displayed and the name field is a link.
  10. Click on a name and verify that the view now displays two grids.  The top grid should show the person's appointments and the bottom should show their allocation across cost objects. 
  11. Click on the workset link in the left navigation grid to return to the workset view.
  12. Using the Budget selection input, select a different budget and verify that the grid id updated.
  13. Click on the "Reports" tab and verify that a table of available reports is displayed.
  14. Click on various reports and verify that a pop-up opens with the report you requested (This doesnThe actual report won't work render in dev correct?).
  15. Click on the "Authorizations" tab and verify that a grid with the people authorized for this workset are displayed with their associated privileges.
  16. Verify that on a workset that you created, there is a "Delete Person" column and for a workset that you don't have admin privileges, the delete column is hidden.
  17. Using a workset that you are an admin on, verify that the Authorizations view has an "Add Person" Button.
  18. Click on the button, type at least 3 characters to see a list of names, select one and type enter. Verify that the person was added to the grid.
  19. Click on the "Delete Person" checkbox and verify that the person is removed from the grid. 
  20. Click on the "Comments" tab and verify the new comment form is displayed followed by any existing comments.
  21. Enter data in the form and click the "Add Comment" button.
  22. Verify that your comment is listed below the form and that the form was reset.
  23. Verify that your comment has both an "Edit" button and a "Delete" link.
  24. Click on the "Edit" button, make a change, click "Save" and verify that the comment was updated.
  25. Click on the "Delete" link and verify that the comment was deleted.
  26. If possible, Verify that the comments not authored by you do not have the "Edit" and "Delete" controls.

Cost Object View:

Visual Reference:

  1. Verify the screen is displayed as seen above (make sure the image is up to date).
  2. Toggle the favorites star next to the workset tile by clicking on it. Verify that the workset is added or removed from the "Favorites" pop-up list as you click on it.
  3. Verify that the "Favorites" star icon changes to indicate a favorite (solid star) or not (start outline) as you click.
  4. Verify that the Budget and GL Hierarchy selection inputs are set to match the selections in the "Settings" pop-up.
  5. Toggle the various selections and verify that the grid is updated as expected.
  6. In the grid, click on a cell containing a monetary value and verify the detail grid for that number pops open.
  7. In this grid enter text in the filter input and verify it filters the data as expected.
  8. In the detail grid, click on an item row and verify that a detail grid for that item pops open.
  9. In this grid enter text in the filter input and verify it filters the data as expected.
  10. Close the pop ups to return to the main Cost Object view.
  11. Click on a row in the people grid on the bottom and verify that the view now displays two grids.  The top grid should show the person's appointments and the bottom should show their allocation across cost objects.
  12. Click on the cost object link in the left navigation grid to return to the cost object view.
  13. Click on the"Forecasts" tab and verify that you see a form to create a new forecast followed by a list of the exiting forecasts for this cost object.
  14. Enter data in the form, click "Add Forecast" and verify that the view changes to the forecast view (and that the left navigation grid is now collapsed).
  15. Using the bread crumb at the top, return to the cost object view and click on the "Forecasts" tab.
  16. Locate the forecast just created in the list below the form.
  17. Click on the trash icon and verify that you the forecast was deleted.
  18. Repeat steps 11 & 12 on a cost object that you do not have Admin privileges on and verify that you see an alert to notify you that you don't have ADMIN rights to create a forecast.
  19. Click on the "Reports" tab and verify that a table of available reports is displayed.
  20. Click on various reports and verify that a pop-up opens with the report you requested (The actual report won't render in dev).
  21. Click on the "Tables and Charts" tab and verify the view changes to display the "Coming Soon" page.
  22. Click on the "Overview" tab and verify that you see 4 static display boxes with the summary information for: Overview, Date Range, Contract & Financials.
  23. Click on the "Comments" tab and verify the new comment form is displayed followed by any existing comments.
  24. Enter data in the form and click the "Add Comment" button.
  25. Verify that your comment is listed below the form and that the form was reset.
  26. Verify that your comment has both an "Edit" button and a "Delete" link.
  27. Click on the "Edit" button, make a change, click "Save" and verify that the comment was updated.
  28. Click on the "Delete" link and verify that the comment was deleted. 

Forecast View:

Visual Reference:

TBD - should we just wait for the new version and then document how to test it??TBD