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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Old Interactive Build Process for Frontend UI Application


1.You must have an installation of the OpenLaszlo server to build the UI. See OL info page if you need more direction.


3.Change the version number in the thalia.lzx file. Search for: <text name="version">VERSION:, increment the number, and change the date found there.

4. Assuming that the port for the OpenLaszlo installation is 8081, and the version of OL is 4.0.2, go to the following URL:; (Change port and lps-4.0.2 path as needed). This causes the OpenLaszlo server to compile the application. Note that you will only be logged in as a guest, so will not have full functionality looking at it locally - this is not a problem, the only goal here is to compile the application. You will upload to the server to fully test it.  Similarly, point a web browser at slideshow_player.lzx and contact_sheet.lzx in the same directory.  This should result in dynamic compilation of the corresponding lzx files, and this directory will newly contain thalia.lzx.lzr=swf8.swf, slideshow_player.lzx.lzr=swf8.swf, and contact_sheet.lzx.lzr=swf8.swf.

5.Copy these three newly-built swf files onto (or any other Thalia environment available for testing) in the tomcat/webapps/thalia-ime/ directory.

6 Test by going to (or whatever other test site you deployed to). Once you are satisfied that the UI is working as it should, check in the new .swf file into the /zest/thalia/Trunk/thalia/src/main/webapp directory, and check in any changed open laszlo source files.

N.B.: End users need to refresh their browsers to get the updated UI.