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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Question: Will we browse as well as search?

Will all collections be browse-able?
What do we mean by browse and how is it different from search or locate?
What navigation model do we propose: alphabetical, chronological, categorical, etc?
What kinds of collections do we know about?
What kinds of collections do we anticipate?
Can we browse something other than a collection and if so what is it and how?

Will all collections be browseable

Are there things outside collections that are browseable or searchable?

Do we plan to dynamically discover and incorporate other collections?

Is there another user facing app?
Who is responsible for supporting these additional user facing apps?
Do we have more than one user-facing application in mind?

Is it a value proposition that supporting new applications developed by outside group is easy?
What model do we have for adding, removing collections (technical / policy)?

Assertion: People will search multiple collections at a time.
Assertion: People want to see results integrated, as opposed to separated by collection. Stores in shopping mall model as opposed to department store.

Do we want to identify the collections in some way, and are these the same as what we're considering a "repository" internally.

Definition: Collection - Is a logical grouping of assets whose members have some arbitrary commonality.

Definition: Assets may have assets.

Will we offer an API that allows other apps to exercise
Are we interested in offering a programmable interface and does it offer the identical features as can be exercised via the user interface?
Is this a Section 508 compliant application?
Do we assume that users want to search more than one content source at a time?
Do we assume that users want to see results integrated in some way or does each content system stand alone and is examined independently.
What level of content source integration do users assume: e.g. shopping mall vs department store.

What specific content source / collection metadata do we require and anticipate?
Will users to be search or browse collections provided by outside parties but from the application? Is the application dedicated solely to the EDC?

What workflow governs adding, updating, repository

Question: Does everyone get to browse/search everything? Or may some people have more or less privileges than others

Question: Is this a Section 508 compliant application?

Will the app be skinnable?

What kind of browsing models do we want to support? What dictates which asset presend another.

What kind of queries do we expect?

Will word stemming or proximity searching be supported?

What indication will we provide that a search is underway?
Assumption seeking confirmation: A collection is an asset container, exposed to the user, and the members of which have in common some articulated characteristics.
Assumption seeking confirmation: An asset is a discrete media file or data record.
Assumption seeking confirmation: Assets can be organized into a containing asset.
Does the user determine which collections should be searched at any given time vs the application deciding? E.g. do we always search all collections for any query?
Are we, on balance, static or dynamic in this regard? Can we name the collections we want to browse and search and is this set likely to change over time?
We need to decide what workflow governs adding, removing, or updating content connectors?
Is this universal access true?
Is the application skin-able?
Is this application repurposable for non-Edgerton collections?
Do all users have the same menus and features?
An example of an alternate browsing model is a loop. There is also random. Is this right?
What kinds of search user interfaces are envisioned?
No all results can be at the top. How do we balance breadth of source variety against quality of match?
What should be available while the search is under way?
What should be available in terms of summary statistics?