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Looking at the goals and future agenda items wiki page.

  • DIRC software: Mark and Barbara will investigate whether the software trial for NetSupport School Pro has begun. The software is a tool that would allow instructors to broadcast to different computers in the room.
  • Reference statistical studies: A new task force was established to discuss several systemwide projects that would assess reference. This does not preclude local units from doing their own assessment. Heather will convene. Lisa, Remlee, Barbara and possibly Bill volunteered. ISG is interested in collaborating where it relates to service provision, customer satisfaction, and service-related issues. Possibly a time study in the fall with a study of the staffing of service points in the spring.
  • Developing teaching skills for staff: skills to offer better instruction. Barbara and Heather will continue to discuss.
  • Sponsor new core competencies training – Remlee will bring up with other ps chairs to see what we should be doing, what they are doing.
  • Spring seminar – we’ll discuss at a later meeting. We have $500 budget for that.
  • LibGuides: We continue to have old html guides as well as new LibGuides. We want to make sure that the link to the research guides page is the most current, regardless of tool used. For example, the Rotch maps guide has been fully integrated into LibGuides. We need to eliminate the old maps guide. Meanwhile, the census pages are not moving to LibGuides, but we don’t want them inadvertently deleted. Additionally, many LibGuides need to be updated based on cancellations. We reviewed the and felt that it was not a useful page and would prefer redirection to the research guides page. Remlee, Angie, Lisa and Mark will work on this project.
  • New project ideas? If anyone comes up with ideas for projects, add to the wiki page. Some thoughts:
    • Publicizing research guides
    • Endnote/refworks – promote our classes
    • Angie work with cite-help to chunk out endnotes tutorial
    • Add KB idea to the chart
