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Health Insurance
As a regular student here at MIT, you are automatically signed up for the MIT Student Health Plan. Information on this basic coverage can be found at Removed.
In addition to the basic coverage provided, all students must have some extended coverage during their stay here at MIT. MIT Health Plans offers students the Extended MIT Hospital Plan; see Removed for information. (Please note: you will not be automatically enrolled for this plan as stated in the first paragraph of the website.) You must either choose to enroll for the Extended MIT Hospital Plan or opt to carry your own coverage. It is up to you (refer to the Finance section for a hint or two on costs, but also see below). Complete the Enrollment Form if you would like to sign up for the MIT plan, or the Waiver Form if you prefer your own hospital insurance. Both forms can be found at Removed and once completed, should be faxed to MIT Health Plans at 617-253-6558.
Many health insurance plans do not provide adequate coverage. For this reason, it is very important that you have enough health insurance for yourself. The Extended MIT Hospital Insurance Plan provides good coverage at a reasonable price.
Visit Removed and go to the section on "rates" for information on coverage costs. Compare the MIT plan carefully with your own health insurance before deciding to request a waiver of the mandatory coverage.
As of 2002, 73% of MIT students were covered by the Extended MIT Hospital Insurance. If you have any questions about insurance coverage, please contact MIT Health Plans at 617-253-4371 or