h2. cluResultTypeInfo
{include:Structure Meta Table Style Page}
{td:id=structureVersion}Dev ([1.0-rc1|cluResultTypeInfo Structure v1.0-rc1]){td}
{td:id=structureVersionHistory}[Release Notes/History|resultUsageTypeInfo Structure](?){td}
| [#Description] | [#References] | [#Structure Definition] | [#Example] |
h3. Description
{excerpt}Information about a clu learning result object type.{excerpt}
h3. References
[LU Service Entity Diagram] \- diagram used in the creation of [LU Service]
[Learning Result Catalog Service Entity Diagram]
h3. Structure Definition
{include:Data Structure Style Page}
|| Type ||
| Complex |
{th:class=h}XML Attribute?{th}
{th:class=h}Data Team Status{th}
{td:class=structLName}CLU Result Type Name{td}
{td:class=structType}[string|string Structure]{td}
{td:class=structDesc}Friendly name of the CLU result type{td}
{td:class=structLName}CLU Result Type Description{td}
{td:class=structType}[string|string Structure]{td}
{td:class=structDesc}Narrative description of the CLU result type{td}
{td:class=structLName}Effective Date{td}
{td:class=structType}[dateTime|dateTime Structure]{td}
{td:class=structDesc}Date and time that this clu result type became effective. This is a similar concept to the effective date on enumerated values. When an expiration date has been specified, this field must be less than or equal to the expiration date.{td}
{td:class=structLName}Expiration Date{td}
{td:class=structType}[dateTime|dateTime Structure]{td}
{td:class=structDesc}Date and time that this clu result type expires. This is a similar concept to the expiration date on enumerated values. If specified, this should be greater than or equal to the effective date. If this field is not specified, then no expiration date has been currently defined and should automatically be considered greater than the effective date.{td}
{td:class=structLName}Generic/dynamic attributes{td}
{td:class=structType}[attributeInfoList|attributeInfoList Structure]{td}
{td:class=structDesc}{excerpt-include:attributeInfoList Structure|nopanel=true}{td}
{td:class=structLName}CLU Result Type Key{td}
{td:class=structType}[cluResultTypeKey|cluResultTypeKey Structure]{td}
{td:class=structDesc}{excerpt-include:cluResultTypeKey Structure|nopanel=true}{td}
h3. Example
_Containing element for representation purposes only._
<cluResultTypeInfo key="cluResultType.course.standard">
<name>Course Standard</name>
<desc>Standard type for clu result objects for courses.</desc>
{code} |